Our Senior Team
Includes only smart and experienced professionals, with a significant expertise in different practice areas, gained in several years of work with preminent domestic and international law firms.
Includes only smart and experienced professionals, with a significant expertise in different practice areas, gained in several years of work with preminent domestic and international law firms.
E-mail: chiara.lange@gvalex.it
Head of the Banking & Finance Department.
Head of the Commercial Agreement Department.
Socio e Responsabile del Dipartimento Banking & Finance e del Dipartimento Commercial Agreement.
Si è laureata in giurisprudenza, con 110/110, nel 2002 presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano con una tesi in diritto commerciale dal titolo “I patrimoni destinati a uno specifico affare” (Relatore Prof. Pier Giusto Jaeger).
Ha maturato la propria esperienza prima in uno studio “boutique” italiano (Janni Fauda e Associati) e, successivamente, presso uno dei principali studi legali indipendenti italiani (NCTM – Studio Legale Associato) operando nei dipartimenti di M&A e di Restructuring.
Iscritto all’Ordine degli Avvocati di Milano dal 2006.
Lingue parlate: italiano, inglese e spagnolo.
Si è unita allo studio Greco Vitali Associati nel 2012 in qualità di senior counsel e dal 2015 è diventata socio.
Ha focalizzato la propria attività principalmente nei settori societario e commerciale, bancario e fallimentare, in particolare, occupandosi di consulenza alle imprese (sia in ambito contrattuale che di operazioni straordinarie), diritto bancario e finanza strutturata nonché ristrutturazione del debito, assistendo in tali ambiti sia clientela privata che istituzionale, sia nazionale che internazionale.
Presta assistenza a start-up, anche innovative, e ad incubatori certificati, prevalentemente nel settore agroalimentare e tecnologico.
She graduated with top marks from the University of Milan in 2002, with a dissertation on Company Law on “Patrimoni destinati a uno specifico affare” (“Assets intended for a Specific Business”) (Supervisor Prof. Pier Giusto Jaeger).
She has worked in a small but highly specialized Italian firm – Janni Fauda e Associati – and then served for several years at NCTM – Studio Legale, one of the major independent Italian law firms, which specifically operates in the M&A and Restructuring areas.
She was admitted to practice before the Italian Bar in 2006.
She is fluent in English and Spanish.
Chiara joined Greco Vitali Associati as a senior consultant in 2012 and then, in 2015, she became Partner.
Her main activity is focused on Business & Company Law areas, Banking & Finance and Bankruptcy procedures. She is an expert advisor in business consulting (both within the context of M&A transactions and contractual matters), banking and finance complex operations and debt restructuring, assisting both private clients and institutions, both domestic and international.
She provides innovative start-ups and registered incubators with legal assistance in relation to biotech and agrifood industries.